App will not connect to camera via Wi-Fi/Bluetooth

1. Turn on your phone’s Bluetooth.
2. Enable mobile Wi-Fi on your device.
3. Confirm the camera antenna installation:
   – Please verify that the camera antenna is correctly and securely installed. Since the Wi-Fi signal emitted by the antenna is directional, you can adjust its direction to ensure the strongest signal in the direction your device is connected to.
   – Make sure the camera antenna is tightened.
5. Ensure the distance between your phone or tablet and the camera is no more than 33 feet (10 meters).
6. Restart your mobile phone.
   – For iOS systems, please turn off Bluetooth first and then turn it on again after 5 seconds. Ensure that Local network, WLAN, and Cellular Data are enabled, as shown in the two photos below.
7. Close VPN and ad-blocking applications on your mobile phone.
   – Make sure that AD blocking and VPN on your mobile phone are turned off. If you have a VPN connection, delete it. Here’s a video demonstrating how to delete a VPN connection (For Android devices only).
8. If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, try using another mobile phone to connect to the camera.
9. Change the camera’s Wi-Fi channel.
   Note: If there are multiple Wi-Fi devices nearby, consider changing the Wi-Fi channel on the camera. Follow these steps:
   [Insert steps for changing the Wi-Fi channel]
10. Check the camera’s battery.
   – Ensure that your Wi-Fi camera has sufficient power.
11. Upload Feedback.
   – Please use the following methods to upload feedback in the app:
     a. Click on the “icon in the upper left corner” of the “Status” page after a failed connection. Click on “Feedback” to provide information.
     b. Describe the problems you encountered and upload screenshots or, preferably, a video. We will analyze the issues with the camera. Please note that the feedback will upload logs, which will not reveal any of your personal information. We will only receive the pictures or videos you upload.
These revisions make the instructions easy to follow and help users troubleshoot camera connection issues effectively.